Just the two 'Poms', a few Arctics and a Great
Sea-watching has been hard work of late, largely because the weather conditions haven't been quite right, and whilst I eventually managed...
East coast Ibis & supporting cast
A Glossy Ibis stole the show on the rarity front today - at Druridge Pools - but I spent at least as much time photographing an unusually...
Wedholme awash with Wheatears
Arrived late this evening to find at least 4 Northern Wheatears hopping around on the moonscape that is Wedholme Flow, all posing...
Taj and Tigers in all their splendour
12 days in India included a visit to the Taj Mahal, the world famous Bharatpur bird site and Kanha Nature Conservation Area, the latter...
Barn Owl pair alive and kicking
For the second day in a row I observed two Barn Owls together - presumably a pair - at the local site; so, the carcass I found must have...
Beautiful Barn Owl back again
Proving increasingly reliable, this bird appeared again right on cue in the usual spot and posed nicely for the camera. Sadly, I also...
Better Barn Owl but no Brent
A local Barn Owl appeared at the last minute after a pretty non-eventful day. I'd searched for the Brent but found nothing but Pink-feet...
New sub-species for the House List
The marshes have recently started filling up with geese again (Barnacle and Pink-footed) now that the snow has gone, and I expect numbers...
Stunning Sparrowhawk & Sunset
With the snow starting to thaw at last, raptors were out in force - Barn Owl (2), Buzzard (numerous), Kestrel and Sparrowhawk (2). One of...
Iceland Gull of the wrong age
A circuitous trip to Bowness-on-Windermere paid off with a nice 2nd winter Iceland Gull (advancing to 3rd winter), presumably the same...