Finch Fest and Long-eared Owl
I dashed over to County Durham today, keen as I was to catch up with another passerine invasion and to capture an elusive owl on digital film for the first time. The Hawfinches at Bishop Middleham were straightforward enough: they were the first species I saw in fact, perched high up in a hornbeam. Sadly, the fab foursome then played hide-and-seek with me and whilst I got some decent shots, I felt I could have done better had luck been on my side. The supporting cast included Chaffinch, Bullfinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Yellowhammer and Tree Sparrow. Over at Saltholme the Long-eared Owls were as keen as the Hawfinches to keep their distance but again, I did manage to get some record shots - my first ever of this species.