Species number 400 - at last!
Well, it was about time! And not surprisingly, number 400 turned out to be an old bogey bird, one that I simply had to connect with at some point. The drive was a mere 1h 50 mins (nothing in twitching terms), but once there I had to be patient: the rain was due to clear by the time I arrived but instead persisted for a good half an hour. Moreover, the bird had just been spooked by a Peregrine (which I also saw later on) and I had to make the most of my bike to cover the distance required before eventually encountering the bird. But then the gods were on my side; not only did the bird reappear, it came much closer than it had done previously, apparently. I even got a shot of the webbing between the toes, which gives the bird its name: Semipalmated Sandpiper... Cause for celebration, I think!