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Dashing Dowitcher & Supporting Cast

Having got poor, distant views of the summer-plumaged adult Long-billed Dowitcher (and the very smart Spotted Redshank) at dusk the day before (Port Carlisle), I was keen to get better views of both today. The latter didn't show but I relocated the yank within minutes of arriving and despite remaining distant, it performed nicely for the camera and I got a good range of poses. Shots had to be heavily cropped but I'm still quite pleased with the detail and colours.

Nearby, a noisy family of Lesser Whitethroat were being especially active and sometimes showed well; their calling was almost constant and I heard the song on a couple of occasions, too.

Back at home, Green Sandpipers made their presence felt occasionally during the week commencing 20th July and I had one particularly memorable moment when one flew over the marsh, quite close to the house, calling noisily as it did so.


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