Lothian Sea-watching Fest
An early start meant that I was sea-watching from 7.15am - off Hound Point, Lothian - and with a single target species, one I got within the first half hour: Long-tailed Skua. Not an adult sadly but it was nice to get a decent view of this species and some photos (3rd from left photo below). (There were plenty of Arctic Terns, too, and a couple of Great Skuas. Red-throated Divers flew past in drips and drabs and there were other bits and pieces as well but the focus was only ever going to be on the skuas.)
Further long the coast I found 4 summer-plumages Red-necked Grebes off Ferny Ness, Longniddry, but quickly got distracted by the Gannets and Sandwich Terns here.