Brilliant Brazil!
Never in my wildest dreams had I thought I’d see an astonishing 11 different Jaguar individuals (including two ‘new to science’), as well as Anaconda, Jaguarundi, Ocelot, Tapir, Giant River Otter (+ Coati, Agouti, Marsh Deer, Azara’s Capuchin, Howler Monkey). And to think that the trip was advertised as ‘Just Jaguars’ – a trip which included no fewer than 264 bird species including 150 lifers, of which 17 are endemics! The highlight was undoubtedly seeing two new Jaguar cubs - with their mother - and getting full frame, unobstructed shots of them, but the birds were good too - the Toucans, the Tanagers, the Ant-species various, the Hummingbirds, the Owls... it certainly lived up to expectations. An Anteater was the only thing we missed, but we saw pretty much everything else, so I couldn't complain. These are just a 28-image sample of the 1000+ keepers I had by the end of the many hours of editing: