Easy-Peasy Plover
After the disappointment of Shetland and having spent too many hours chasing hard-to-get rarities, it was nice on 4th September 2021 to simply pull off the A1 on my my south, park up at Blacktoft Sands RSPB, walk to the nearest hide and identify the first bird I saw as the mega in question: my first ever White-tailed Lapwing - all the way from Iraq/Iran/Russia and only the 10th British record! Things could not have been easier. It was also pretty close too. Sure, it walked off behind thick vegetation for a while but would never be gone long. Not the most attractive of birds, it was nonetheless a world lifer and I got some decent shots. Moreover, there were other waders of interest, mostly from the next hide: Little Stint, Green Sandpiper (3), Greenshank, Ruff (4)... And a Water Rail showed briefly too. Bearded Tits were frequently heard but not seen, sadly.
The waders generally were too far away for decent images but I got some record shots: