Glaucous comes out of hiding
With nothing else to do on my last day of freedom before work started again, I thought I’d head down to catch up with the other county semi-rarity. I think I’d only seen Glaucous Gull once before in Cumbria (and no photograph), so this would be good if I could nail it. To cut a long story short, after a lot of toing and froing (and photographing other commoner species), I did in fact manage to pick out the bird on the exposed spit stretching out beyond the harbour – with binoculars at some 400m! A fellow birder allowed me to check the ID through his telescope. After a while, a fishing boat came into the harbour and the fish they were discarding overboard drew the birds much closer, and after yet more running around along the harbour wall, I eventually relocated the bird on top of a chimney stack in the port. It would have been nice to get a little closer (all shots were heavily cropped), but at least I saw it and managed to get photos – on the spit, perched on the chimney & in flight.