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July's Local Birds

Nothing unusual at the start of the month, but I enjoyed photographing some common birds at the local reserve and estuary including a Little Grebe feeding chicks.

Things picked up a little on the 2nd when I connected with Spotted Redshank (2) at Wedholme and spent a challenging yet rewarding hour or so photographing Common Swift. Occasionally, I would be distracted by the odd Little Ringed Plover nearby, including young. Displaying Meadow Pipits presented yet another photographic opportunity - with a difference. Not sure I've even managed a flight shot before so I was chuffed to get the shot below.

The 9th produced nice views of a different Barn Owl perched and quartering a field, and also of a Hedgehog trying to cross the road without me spotting it!

On 11th July I went a little further afield having had a tip-off from a fellow birder, and in the late evening I eventually connected with my first photographable Long-eared Owls. Three fledglings were on show and 'squeaked' for the parents to feed them as they perched openly on branches and fenceposts. This was easily one of my most memorable experiences and one I had been longing for since I dipped a couple of years ago on a similar family of 'LEOs'. (And whilst I waited for the owls to appear, I was entertained by Cuckoos and Stonechats, the latter posing nicely for the camera.)

Two days later, I returned to this site and got more photos of the fledglings but also of the adults, albeit not quite the mind-blowing shots I was wanting. Still, these were my best to date, and I had a wonderful time with the complete family of 5 surrounding me at one point as the adult brought food in (field voles?) to the hungry chicks.

On 19th (pm) and 20th (am), I got good views of two of the fledglings, but also got far better views of one of the adults, this time closer, in good light and on a more natural perch.


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