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Nice surprises at a former local patch

On 25th July I popped into Eyebrook reservoir - on my way elsewhere - and was pleased to connect with Great Egret (1), Little Ringed Plover (1 juv.), Green Sandpiper (4) and Kingfisher (1+). All birds were seen from the bridge by the inflow, and whilst most were distant, the light was good and the heat haze minimal. The best bird was probably the Kingfisher, which clearly nests nearby, and I enjoyed a good half hour watching it flying, fishing and perching. (One guy watching nearby was waiting for 2 Otters to appear but I left him to it; interesting to note, though.) I returned on the 27th and got some pretty nice shots of 2 Kingfishers (possibly young birds?) that proved exceptionally confiding.


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