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Two yank ducks for the price of one!

I arrived at Auchincross Loch, New Cumnock, with little hope: the rain hadn't let up (like it said it would) and I wasn't even sure I was in the right place. (The loch, according to Birdguides, was on the left of the road, not the right...). Anyway, imagine my surprise when I set up my scope to trawl through the small, distant flock of Tufties when I struck gold immediately - not with the rarity I'd come to see but with a pristine adult drake Ring-necked Duck! This was my first self-found rarity for a considerable time (I saw it at around midday and the bird wasn't reported until 1.30pm) and I was delighted. I didn't spend too long watching this bird, however; I was keen to track down the rarity I'd come for, which I found without too much bother - an adult drake Lesser Scaup. Sadly, despite me working my way over the open ground to get a little closer, I failed to get anything but record shots. Still, it's not often you see two yank ducks (of different species) in the same view, let alone get a photo of both together (in first photo below, Lesser Scaup is bird on right, RND is the middle bird; in second photo, LS is fourth from right, RND is extreme right, preening):


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